
in enforced smiley mode

i am clive gresswell and i read a lot of my poetry at regular meetings of london-based writer’s forum (new series).. i also write prose but am told am best at the poetry, which i thoroughly enjoy. i have written some form of poetry from an early age but i like to constantly change my style. give it a sense of evolution. publications i have appeared in include: BlazeVox, The View From Here, Poetry Wars, Sewer Lid, LucidPlay Publishing, Essence of Humour, AlfieDog Fiction, ZombieLogic, Tears In The Fence, catchalimpseof.net, Marble Poetry and many more. I have two poetry collections through Knives, Forks and Spoons Press, which can either be obtained through me or the press’s website. The collections are Jargon Busters and Rages of The Carbolic. I have a new chap

book of prose poems ‘Strings’ coming out with erbacce press. Here is a link https://www.erbacce-press.co.uk/CliveGresswell